Tuesday, April 29, 2014


(from Peace Be With You Blog)

our reality
two seriously ill at home
a challenging time

a case of two halves
equaling less than a whole
life gets difficult

alternating both
care giving and receiving
we struggle badly

so we roll along
finding some joy where we can
not letting pain rule

but now my dear friends
I take a leave of absence
until stress lightens

This is what it is like to have MS and live with your spouse. I had to share it because it hits so close to home. Why me?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sad Lisa by Cat Stevens


 I hope you like this song as much as I did. I have to thank a friend for posting it.

My why for right now is why do some songs make you cry? For everyone it is different. I am not a crier, but certain song just turn me into a sniveling mess. Sometimes I do not even know the lyrics, just the tone of the song makes me cry.

It is not a profound why but that is what I have to say.