Monday, November 11, 2013

Why It Cannot Be Done

This task may not get done.

This task cannot get done.

Each of the above statements has a completely different meaning. The first one tells us action is required by someone to get a task done. It is not all alone taking the blame. The second statement is more definitive. The task, no matter what, cannot be done, by the best of the best.

The task I am talking about somehow falls in between those two statements.

How do I know? I just do.

It will not get done lack of trying.

I am playing by someone else's rules. And I do not like to do that. But I am trying my best. Or am I?

I furiously work out this problem. My husband interrupts. The usual happens.

"What?" I say like a brat.

He either a. sighs loudly and leaves, b. stomps off, c. gets mad and says something and stomps off, d. decides to engage me read argue.

Mostly I know I am cranky and wrong and I apologize, hoping and praying the initial nastiness with which I said the one word "what", would wear off and that my apology will mean something. Because he does not deserve it and I should have more respect for him.

He says he understands my project, but says real life is going on all around us so it is time to stop working on the task at hand for me. He has been with me for 20 years? We met in 1993. In 1999 real was no longer a concept. And normal was for other people. Real life may be going on but not around here.

He says he knows what I am doing is important. And he is happy. Then why won't he let me be?!

The confrontations are getting worse and it is going to get bad one day.

But I believe in positive thinking and energy. If I believe this can be done, and think nothing but positive thoughts, it will get done. And it will rock! It will change many things for me and for my family. But I cannot burn the fuse at both ends, which has been happening also. So my husband is concerned about my lack of sleep.

We all face things that we believe cannot get done. But is it the things fault, or is it our fault?

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